Programming Java 2 Micro Edition on Symbian OS A developer’s guide to MIDP 2.0
by Jonathan Allin, Darren Holland, Alan Newman
and Colin Turfus
publisher : wiley
pages : 500
published : 2004
Section 1: J2ME and MIDP
Introduction to J2ME
Getting Started
MIDP 2.0 and the JTWI
Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology
MIDP 2.0 Case Studies
Section 2: Writing Quality Code for Smartphones
Making Java Code Portable
Writing Optimized Code
Section 3: The Evolution of the Wireless Java Market
The Market, the Opportunities and Symbian’s Plans
Appendix 1: CLDC Core Libraries
Appendix 2: MIDP Libraries
Appendix 3: Using the Wireless Toolkit Tools at the Command Line
Appendix 4: Developer Resources and Bibliography
Appendix 5: Specifications of Symbian OS Phones
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